Team Code of Conduct 

The purpose of this code of conduct is to establish a consistent expectation for athletes’ behavior while participating in the Durango Swim Club (DSC). By reading and signing this code of conduct, the athlete and parent / guardian agrees to the following statements, procedures, discipline and consequences. 

Daily Practice Expectations: 


____   I will respect and show courtesy to my teammates and coaches at all times. My behavior will not be disruptive to others. I will follow my coach’s instructions and at no time be disrespectful or talk-back. 

____   I will demonstrate good sportsmanship. This includes refraining from any foul language, teasing, harassing or name calling. 

____   I will set a good example of behavior and work ethic for my younger teammates. 

____   I will be respectful of others' personal space at all times during practice, in the locker rooms and hot tub. 

____   In the locker room I will not participate in rough-housing, yelling, foul language or touching persons. I will not use my phone for photos or videoing while in the locker room. I will respect others' belongings. 

____   I will not participate in any language or behavior that is sexist, racist, homophobic or otherwise inappropriate. 

____   I will not participate in any bullying behavior as outlined in the DSC  Team Rules and Guidelines. 

____   I will be on time for practice, attend all team meetings and training sessions unless previously discussed or excused by my coach. 

____    If I plan on participating in multiple activities/sports, I will discuss my schedule with my coach. 

____    If I become ill or forsee missing more than one consecutive practice session, it is my responsibility to communicate with my coach. 

____    I will show respect for all facilities and property used during practice and team activities, as well as at other swim facilities. 

____    I will not consume any illegal substance while an active member of DSC. 

____    I will not wear another competing club team’s attire or cap during practice.

____    As a USA Swimming member, I will obey all rules and codes of conduct published under USA Swimming.


____     I will abide by all of the Durango Recreation Center’s rules and policies. 


Swim Meet Expectations: 


____ I will demonstrate good sportsmanship, courteous behavior and cheer for my teammates. 

____ I will set a good example for my younger teammates. 

____ I will wear a team swim suit or appropriate competition attire at all swim meets. 

____ I am expected to swim all events entered unless otherwise discussed with my coach or the Head Coach. 

____ I will talk to my coach or Head Coach before and after each swim event. 

____ If I disagree with an official’s call, I will talk with my coach and not approach the official directly. 

____ I will remain in the team area or let my coach or Head Coach know if I leave the team area or pool deck. 

____ I will show respect for all pool facilities; no destruction, vandalism or theft of property at any home or host facility. 

____ I will not use any foul language at any time during swim meets. 

____ I will not consume ‘pre-workout’ supplements and/or energy drinks, and follow the DSC Rules and Guidelines policy on caffeine. 

____ I will help clean the sitting area at the end of each meet. All my trash, water bottles and personal items will be picked up at the end of each session. 

____ I will always remember I represent the Durango Swim Club and my behavior reflects on the team as a whole. 

I understand that if I violate any of the above listed items in this Code of Conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action, penalties and consequences determined by my coach, the Head Coach and the swim club’s Board of Directors. This Code of Conduct will remain effective until the athlete suspends participation from the Durango Swim Club. 

Athlete#1 Name ______________  Athlet #2 Name ____________ Athlete#3 Name_____________


____________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Name             Signature                                                             Date 

(Effective until athlete suspends participation from the Durango Swim Team)


                                                                                            Board Approved 4/16/2023

          Revised 8/21/2024